
CARAMEL’s main goal is to proactively address modern vehicle cybersecurity challenges applying advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques and also to continuously seek methods to mitigate associated safety risks.

The specific obtectives of the project are:

  • To identify cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities in the context of a cooperative, connected and automated mobility vehicles (including electrical plug-in vehicles)

  • To design and develop a successful extensible, scalable and market-oriented cybersecurity architecture for the provisioning of situational awareness in CCAM vehicles

  • To model cyberthreats, detect cyberattacks and to identify appropriate responses for each modern vehicle category considered in CARAMEL

  • To consider and fuse different data sources of information in order to achieve contextual and situational awareness and to facilitate the decision-making process

  • To create an anti-hacking device that will be able to disable higher-level functions in case of a cyberattack

  • To perform penetration testing, validate and demonstrate the CARAMEL solution

  • To ensure the long-term success of the project through standardization and dissemination in commercial and industrial fora and by exploring synergies with other EU initiatives and projects

  • To design and develop a successful market-oriented, AI-driven and extensible cybersecurity framework for modern vehicles / Business Models to exploit findings in partners’ future product/service portfolios

Theme: Elation by Kaira.