Author: i2cat


CARAMEL was present yesterday at the European Conference on Networks and Communications with the presentation of paper
The CARAMEL project: a safe architecture for autonomous vehicles.

This work presents the CARAMEL’s approach to enhance the protection of connected mobility toward cybersecurity threats specifically for V2X communications.


The main goals of the CARAMEL project are to enhance the protection of modern vehicles against cybersecurity threats related to automated driving, smart charging of Electric Vehicles, and communication among vehicles or between vehicles and the roadside infrastructure. This work focuses on the latter and presents the CARAMEL architecture for improving the security and privacy of communication for connected and autonomous driving. The proposed architecture includes: (i) multiradio access technology capabilities, with simultaneous 802.11p and LTE-Uu support; (ii) a MEC platform, where algorithms for detecting attacks are implemented; (iii) an intelligent On-Board Unit with anti-hacking features inside the vehicle; (iv) a Public Key Infrastructure that validates in real-time the integrity of vehicle’s data transmissions. As an indicative application scenario, the interaction between the entities of the CARAMEL architecture is showcased in the case that the GPS locations used by vehicles are spoofed.

Complete paper will be uploaded soon.

Future mobility webinar

Ubiwhere one of the CARAMEL partners together with organize a series of webinars on where they discuss different topics about the Future of Mobility.

A group of specialist are invited to give a talk about the most important topics in this area. The next session of this series is focused on connected mobility and the CARAMEL’s project coordinator will be presenting information about the cybersecurity on future mobility.

Date of the event: 14 May 17:00 (GMT+1)

Recorded version can be found at: Connected Mobility 

Ubiwhere official webpage

CARAMEL is a project that is aiming to deal with modern cybersecurity gaps, through the use of advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques.

Image by Ubiwhere

CARAMEL has been registered to platform

We are pleased to announce that recently the Caramel Project has been registered in the European observatory of research and innovation in the field of cybersecurity and privacy.

This action was made as an effort to consolidate an online hub of the projects that with its work provide research and innovation activities across Europe in the field of cybersecurity.

CARAMEL project, aims to address vehicle cybersecurity through the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. Helping to mitigate associated safety risks.

Image by VIN JD from Pixabay

CARAMEL has been registered to ARCADE knowledge base

CARAMEL has been registered to the ARCADE Knowledge Base on Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) which is a great tool to share and exchange knowledge on innovative solutions for Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility.

Developed as part of the Horizon 2020 Action ARCADE (Aligning Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe), the Knowledge Base gathers the scattered information among a broad network of CAD stakeholders to establish a common baseline of CAD knowledge and provide a platform for a broad exchange of knowledge.

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2nd General Assembly of CARAMEL Project

The 2nd General Assembly of Caramel Project took place in Aveiro, Portugal at the Fundação Engenheiro António Pascoal from 29 – 30 January 2020. In this session, the entire CARAMEL consortium, formed by academic and industry partners as well as the Project Coordinator and Technical Manager participated reviewing the actions carried out and defining the next steps to achieve the goals of CARAMEL Project.

All three pillars of CARAMEL were discussed:

  • Autonomous cars
  • 5G connected vehicles
  • Electromobility

The action plan to address all of the aforementioned pillars were carefully discussed, achieving an excellent agreement between each partner member of the consortium.

This meeting was not only useful to address the Project goals but also to improve the work environment among all project members, through a friendly social interaction.

The Project Officer (PO), Dr. Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, summarizing the actions carried out and the next action items.

Talk to MASTEAM-MATT students


The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain organizes in a weekly basis, different activities like talks, technical visits, etc. for the EETAC Master’s degrees Applied Telecom and Engineering Management (MASTEAM) and Advanced Telecommunications Technologies (MATT) students. Those activities usually invite experienced people from companies, research centers or institutions and allow the students to maintain contact with professionals with experience.

In this context, one of the members of the Caramel project Dr. Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas (@p_khodashenas on Twitter) H2020 CARAMEL Project Coordinator gave a talk to UPC students, he shared information about the Next-Generation Mobility: Protecting the new generation of cars from cybercriminals. On such talk, the EU-funded CARAMEL project was introduced as well its three main pillars:

a) Mobility

b) Telecommunications

c) E-charge.


Intelligence-based Cybersecurity for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)

European Commission funded project CARAMEL addresses the cybersecurity challenge of the next generation mobility, contributing to the long-term vision of safer roads with zero fatality.

CARAMEL (Artificial Intelligence-based Cybersecurity for Connected and Automated Vehicles), is a € 6.6 million project launched on the 1st October 2019, aiming to improve road safety in future mobility scenarios. It considers the cybersecurity related issues of the CCAM ecosystem, considering three novel types of mobility: i) autonomous cars, ii) connected vehicles empowered by next generation communication systems, and iii) electromobility. The project applies a proactive method based on AI and ML techniques to mitigate cybersecurity originated safety risks on roads. Considering the entire supply chain, CARAMEL aims to introduce innovative anti-hacking intrusion detection/prevention systems for the European automotive industry. CARAMEL pilot demonstrations will take place in two premises: at the Test Area in Baden-Württemberg in Germany and at GreenFlux R&D laboratory in the Netherlands where real-world scenarios will be performed with prototype vehicles and smart chargers, under the safety offered by a controlled environment.

The 30-month initiative, which has received close to € 4.9 million contribution from the European Commission, is coordinated by the Fundació i2CAT, a non-profit research and innovation centre located in Barcelona, Spain. Dr. Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, senior researcher and innovation strategy manager, with 12 years of experience in ICT sector will be the coordinator of CARAMEL. Mr. Peter Hofmann from  T-Systems/Telekom security in Germany, with 20 years of experience in the areas of mobile security, automotive security and integration of hardware security in applications will be the technical manager of the project. Dr. Ioannis Giannoulakis, co-founder and principal analyst in Eight Bells Ltd., an SME located in Nicosia, Cyprus, will play the role of CARAMEL exploitation and innovation manager.

CARAMEL in line with the European Union prioritize cybersecurity public private partnership (cPPP) brings together 15 organizations from 8 European countries with complementary expertise and skills. CARAMEL partners are, Austria: AVL; Cyprus: The University of Cyprus, 8BELLS, Sidroco; Germany: Altran, Panasonic Automotive, T-Systems; Greece: The University of Patras; Netherlands: GreenFlux, Cyberlens; Portugal: Ubiwhere; Spain: i2CAT, Ficosa, Atos; UK: 0 Infinity.

The consortium aims to contribute to the consolidation of Europe’s leading role on CCAM arena, paving the way for boosting the European innovation capacity and creating new market opportunities.

Theme: Elation by Kaira.